Featured / Poetry 2013 / Volume 44

Poetry Volume 44, Issue One is now online!

Happy 2014!

As managing editor, I’m proud to announce that today, starting at 12 PM (Central Time Zone), the Coe Review’s newest poetry issue will go online! Throughout the hour, the poems will be individually published on our blog, and you can find links to every poem on our Current Issue page. This year, we’ve also included a link to the entire PDF document of the issue, complete with our front and back cover. That can also be found on the Current Issue page, along with right here.

Our poetry issue is one the staff is extremely proud of. We’ve got (in my opinion) some beautiful poems on a wide variety of subjects. The poets published play with form in a wide variety of ways and each poem challenges the reader differently. As I was getting our issue ready for its online debut, rereading the poems was a delightful new experience. Although I’ve read each poem countless times throughout the creation of this issue, the poem still had something new to give me in this somewhat final read-through. My favorite poem in this issue will still be Tom Pescatore’s “& where do we go?” simply for the content and his use of hyphens to pull me through the poem; his last two lines are also smart and true to the scene.

This was also our semester where we had submissions from all over the world, which was exciting as we addressed our contributor copy envelopes. And of course, we had Coe students along with one faculty member published in this issue. Our final four poems feature our two senior poets, M. Sioned Curoe and Ariana Uding. They both wrote poetry manuscripts this fall and these poems are a sampling from their manuscripts.

As Coe’s Winter Break winds to an end, the staff will return to campus and begin to dig into our fiction submissions. We will continue to accept submissions until March 18th, 2014. Please submit your fiction, but make sure to check our submission guidelines before sending something in.

Hailley Fargo
Managing Editor

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